Welcome All!

Let me take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to my books blog site. Whether you're after poetry and verse or informative education, I'm sure I have something for you. Please take a look at my previews and get yourself a copy of the book of your choice. I know you'll love reading them as much as I loved writing them.

Take Care. Love, Peace, Truth and Light.
Teresa Carey

Book Previews


Good intentions alone, are never good enough, but   obedience to Gods Will leads all into His Love.  If we are born again Christians, we are saved and shall enter into eternal life with God in heaven.
So then, we don't really need to be obedient to His Will because we are already saved by His Grace and not by our works, right....(?) Well, it is true that we are saved by His Grace and not by our works, but this deals with only ourselves and our life that is to come. Even so, it is true. However, it is only right that we should want to do for other what He has done for us, to follow His example, just as He tells us to. We should desire to lead others to His kingdom, to take as many brothers and sisters with us into heaven as possible. We should also desire for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, right now, here on earth, in ou r lives. For by doing so, we become more Christ-like, more Holy, a true light for others to follow.Without the full submission and obedience of Jesus to Gods will, we never would have been able to become born again, saved, let alone obedient.
So it is fitting that we try with all our hearts, whilst we are in this world, to become more like Him, so that others may see His light within us and upon us
and so follow His ways. The only way we can become more like Him is to adhere to and obey His teachings.Thanksgiving and praise are both ways that we put
into action and display our worship to God. Thanksgiving, because of the most utterly kind and loving gifts that He gives us freely. Praise, because there has never been anybody more deserving and worthy of it. So back to that question....do we need to be obedient to His will? I would say, of course we do. I believe that by submitting ourselves to His ways and becoming obedient to His will is the only way we grow spiritually. It may not always be comfortable but
we shouldn't be afraid of being uncomfortable for a while, there's always some discomfort during growth of any kind, whether it be muscle growth whilst doing weights at the gym or pains in the legs of a growing child. All this as we all know is completely normal and we don't shy away from it. Why then should it be any different with spiritual growth? Indeed it is not.

Lets consider for a moment all that God has given

us . . .Err. . .Hmmm. . .Everything! Yes!

Everything! Wow! How can we comprehend that?

The Lord God our Creator has given us everything

we will ever need. First of all, He gave us life, free

will, freedom, love, understanding, wisdom, joy,

strength, grace, beauty. . .just to mention a few.

There is not enough paper and ink in the world to

record every gift that He has given us. He gave us

His only begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour,

Jesus Christ. He did all of this so that we may have

part in and share in eternity with Him. He didn't

give all this to us because we are filled with

brilliance, greatness and are deserving of such

gifts, but because He alone is filled with brilliance

and greatness, and in all His greatness, He chooses

to lavish upon us His glorious, holy gifts, His

design for life.

Thanksgiving then, is a most fitting response to

such an abundant, gracious, accommodating,

charitable, compassionate and loving gesture that

is His gift of life and all His promises that He has

given us. The only way to receive such an offering

as this is with thanks. It is acknowledgement and

appreciation, showing our gratefulness and

gratitude, for His gifts. It should be our first

response to His grace upon us. THANKS !! Give

thanks! Shouting aloud with joy from the depths of

our souls. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank

you Lord!

Praise naturally and unstoppably (not that we

would ever want to stop it) follows thanksgiving.

Praising His Name, calling Him Holy, and above


The most heartfelt, devout, wholehearted, sincere

and satisfying way to praise is to sing out aloud

our praises to Him in song. A real connection is

made by this action, a personal channel is formed

between ourselves and God. This makes me think

of one of my favourite scriptures;

Isaiah 12:5-6 Sing praises to the Lord, for He has

done excellent things (gloriously) let this be made

known to all the earth.

6 Cry aloud and shout joyfully, you women and

inhabitants of Zion, for great in your midst is the

Holy One of Israel.

Lets look at this closely.

Great in your midst. Great not sparingly. Great,

not meagrely. Great not thinly. In your midst, that

is, amongst, surrounded by, in the thick of,

enveloped by and at the very core of us, is the

Holy One of Israel. And His name is Jesus Christ

who is Lord. This is yet another reminder to us

that Jesus who is Lord is alive and living right

inside us. He is dwelling within us. He is our God

and we are His people.

Thank You Lord for Your Gospel Truth, the holy

words that You give to us so that we may have

faith and grow up into the people that You created

us to be. Glory be to Your true greatness! Amen!

When I first started to express my thankfulness to

the Lord in singing out my heart to Him in praise

and worship for Him, His blessings started to come

into my life sure, steady, and step by step. He

clearly began to show me what I needed to change,

and what I needed to work on. This is where

obedience comes in. He gives me the strength to

comply and bend to His ways, precepts and will.

Every time I obey and take a step closer to Him, I

receive peace and joy in my heart. This peace in

my heart is all the conformation I need to show me

I'm on course. The moment I lose my peace and

joy you can bet its because I put the wrong foot

forward and stepped out of His Love, running

ahead through lack of patience, and wanting it all

now, and not waiting for His timing on things. But

such is His love that even when we step out of it,

He makes a way for us to step right back into it.

An incident comes to mind. . . Some time ago,

before I got more of a grip with obedience and true

submission to God, something took place that

showed me very clearly God was trying to guide

me and get through to me on the situation I found

myself in. But before I explain how this took

place, I need to give you some background into my

life at that time. Because of my disobedience to

God there was much more confusion and a lot less

understanding available to me in every area of my


Even though I was a Christian and I loved and

sought after God, I was relatively new to being

saved and I thought I could run my life how I

thought best and that would be fine. After all, I

wanted to do what was right - always. The thing is,

I now know that it is only God who knows how to

do what is right - always, and we have to listen to

Him on everything and in every area of our life,

but at that time, I didn't. There is Gods way and

there is our way. If we choose our way how can we

say we are obedient to His will? I couldn't, and I

wasn't, not fully.

Because of this, my relationship with my husband

Scott, was nothing like it is now. If we had

disagreements, because of our lack of consulting

God first, our problems escalated quickly and

became extremely heated, both of us sticking and

holding fast to how we felt, thinking really only of

ourselves and how 'I feel' and how 'you're hurting

me'. Nowadays, our disagreements never turn into

heated, out of control arguments because we

consult God first. Now, we get to the truth of the

situation and we are not plagued by anger,

frustration and hurt. Instead, such discussions are

quite exiting because we both realize that God is

showing and teaching us what is the right course

we need to follow, and we both know that this

leads us into a happier, more fulfilled life, bringing

us closer to each other and God.

But back then we had been struggling more and

more frequently with each other and huge

tempestuous rows would more often than not

ensue. There was this one day that got totally out

of control. Satan was having a field day with us

and I couldn't seem to get out of the state we were

in. Like most arguments, it was over something so

small, but it quickly became something huge.

It started in the car, we hadn't even got out of our

cul-de-sac, but by the time we got to where we

were going - the local shops in town, which is

about a 10 minute drive at the most, I had such an

immense pressure in my head, I thought it might

explode. Scott was shouting at me louder and

louder and all I could think was 'I'm so sick of this,

no more, no more, no more'. It was like every

argument that had gone before this one was 'tagged

on' to it. It seemed mountainous. All I wanted to

do was get away from him, so as he pulled up in

the car park, I got out of the car and I just ran. He

of course ran after me and in the middle of our

local town we were screaming at each other. Scott

was grabbing hold of me trying to get me under

control. - That wasn't going to happen, not yet

anyway. I managed to free myself from him and

jumped on a bus. I was hysterical. Crying

uncontrollably all the way to my best friends

house! When I arrived I ran into the arms of my

best friend - Rachel, bless her, who was in shock at

what she found before her. I had come to the

conclusion that Scott and I were over. I didn't want

him anywhere near me, no matter what! I had

never felt that way before.

Scott called Rachel to see if I was there (as I

wouldn't answer my phone), she told him what I

asked her to, that I had been there but had left.

What else could she do? Her best friend was stood

in front of her an emotional, hysterical wreck.

Not long after Scott's phone call to Rachel, she

noticed him pulling up outside her house. 'He's

here' she said. I was out of the back door in a flash

but I couldn't go anywhere so I hid myself right at

the top of the back of the garden, crouched on my

knees (quite fittingly), between brambles, dirt,

thorns and concrete!

Rachel let him in and maintained the story that I

had been round earlier, but had soon left. (How I

feel for her when I think of how she must have

felt). He asked to use her phone because he didn't

have one, but Rachel didn't have a land line and

her mobile was out of credit. He had used all his

change on his phone call to Rachel earlier. By this

time he was hysterical too, and crying

uncontrollably, believing that he had lost me for

good. Rachel wanted to tell him I was close by but

what could she do? She had never seen us like this

before. She searched around her house in the hope

that her husband Jay, had left his phone behind,

not something he would usually do, but looking for

a phone that may not be there must have been

more appealing than looking at her other best

friend and telling him she didn't know where I


Before I go on, I need to tell you about some

attributes that I added to my phone some time

before this day. One day I was fiddling with my

phone and assigning different pictures to some of

the names in my address book, so that when the

chosen named person rang me, a picture would

pop up on my screen. I was completely random

with the pictures I chose and the people I assigned

them to. I thought no more of it.

Back at Rachel's, it just so happened that Jay had


left one of his phones behind, (he'd not long got a

new phone and another number) so Rachel handed

it over to Scott.

Meanwhile, at the back of the garden, I was still

adamant that I didn't want to see him ever again,

and then my phone rang, and when I looked at the

screen, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest,

(quite literally) I was immediately moved by the

Holy Spirit within me. The feelings I felt towards

Scott just moments before were gone and they

were replaced by my real feelings for him - love.

My heart broke and I couldn't believe the spot I

found myself in, crumpled behind hedges and

brambles on my knees.

I had never seen that picture pop up on my screen

before because Jay and I rarely speak on the phone

and he had also got a new phone and number so he

wasn't even using that one anymore.

So what was the picture? It was a photo of a

picture I drew that is on my living room wall. The

picture is this: - Scott and I are face to face, (both

side profile) and our Lord Jesus is behind us, (face

forward) with his hands touching the temple area

of our heads. I did this drawing in 2004 and it is

only now, (2010) as I've written about it, do I

realise what it truly represents. And it is this, it

represents our unity to each other and our unity

together with God. With His hands upon us we are

joined together by and through Him. It also shows

His anointing upon us by the laying on of His

hands, ever so fittingly, upon our temples.

For that picture to be assigned to that phone

number was most definitely orchestrated by God. I

only ever saw it come up on that one occasion

because at that time Jay had changed phones and

got a new number, so consequently he stopped

using that phone to which the picture was


I love the simple and gentle way in which the Lord

gave me a 'nudge', a reminder, a reality check, and

yet how powerful that simple and gentle 'nudge'

really was. Something as simple as a picture on a

phone, brought with it the awesome power of the

Holy Spirit, and it moved me massively, in truth,

it's a good job I was already on my knees for if I

was on my feet, I'm sure I would have fallen to the

ground. Not only did He provide for me a way

back into His love, but He also showed me the

importance of keeping Him first and final authority

over every issue and area of my life. Much

heartache can be avoided if we are prepared to

listen and obey what God tells us. Thankfully,

even when we don't listen and obey, and it all does

go wrong, He gracefully and lovingly leads us

back to where we need to be, as well as teaching us

and laying before us an invaluable lesson.

Lets take a closer look at the word obedience in the

dictionary -

The quality or condition of being obedient.

A sphere of ecclesiastical authority.

Compliance, yielding, submission, respect,

conformity, reverence, deference, observance,

subservience, submissiveness, docility,

complaisance, tractability, dutifulness,

conformability, unquestioning obedience to Gods


Every one of these words leans to God's way, and

leans away from our own way. Every one of them

take us away from selfishness and into selfless-

ness. They all concentrate and focus on that which

is greater than ourselves. And that thing is the

omnipotent, omniscient, almighty supreme and

sovereign power of the Lord Jesus Christ who is

God and Lord of all.

Deuteronomy 4:1 AMP

NOW LISTEN and give heed, O Israel, to the

statutes and ordinances which I teach you, and do

them, that you may live and go in and possess the

land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, gives


So here we have another promise from our Lord.

An instruction to learn and understand His ways,

His statutes and precepts. We can do this by

'getting into' His word. By diligently seeking His

ways through study of the Bible, the Gospel of

Jesus. However, study on it's own is not enough.

We must put into action and practice the things

that we find and learn. Only by knowing Gods

ways and practising them can we enter into the

promises that He has made for us in this life, here

on earth, from the beginning.

Deuteronomy 28: 9AMP

The Lord will establish you as a people holy to

Himself, as He has sworn to you, if you keep the

commandments of the Lord your God and walk in

His ways.

Again, a reminder of our Lords promise to His

people. To become Holy unto God is to become set

apart from the ways of the world, to become

consecrated. By the time we get to heaven

everyone of us will become consecrated, that is,

live Holy in every way, seeking grace with every

step, never letting God slip from our thoughts. By

keeping Him first in our thoughts, in front of our

eyes, every move we make will surely be Holy.

Every step will be in line with His Will for us. So

keep the commands of our Lord and take every

step in Love. Wrap every thought, deed and action

in His love, being brought up Holy, and belonging

to Him. In this way, the light you shine will show

all and testify that He is in you and will be as a

lamp to guide the way for all.

I know that this may seem impossible and certainly

we are bound to fall short sometimes, but as long

as we aim high we will keep climbing and when

we do fall, we should pick ourselves up quickly

remembering that we can't follow in His ways

whilst we are in condemnation and feeling sorry

for ourselves. When we do fall, the best thing we

can do is to admit our mistake to God and ask for

His forgiveness and His help to get straight back

up and continue where we left off. Remembering

that God already knows exactly when and how we

will fall and He still loves us. Nothing we will ever

do can surprise Him, He is after all - God

almighty! So never wallow in self-pity and always

quickly get straight back up and back to work

where you left off.

Romans 5:5-6 AMP

5It is through Him that we have received grace

(God's unmerited favour) and [our] apostleship to

promote obedience to the faith and make disciples

for His name's sake among all the nations,

6And this includes you, called of Jesus Christ

and invited [as you are] to belong to Him.

So not only have we been given grace, but also

apostleship. To be given apostleship means to be

given a post. A position. A role. The position of an

apostle is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ our

Lord and Saviour. We are given everything we

need in order to fulfil this position to the full, for it

is the Holy Spirit that does the work in and through

us, and not ourselves; all we have to do is listen,

follow and obey. We literally become the 'carrier'

of the Holy Spirit, the vessel if you will, that

spreads over the earth into the hearts of the elect,

bringing them out of bondage and into everlasting


Grace, as we all know, comes from God above. It

is tender, loving and delicate, yet oh so strong, it

carries with it elegance, poise, and is filled with all

manner of loveliness. It is holy and straight, direct

yet gentle, honest and true.

We must strive to be filled with grace just as our

Lord is filled with it. Grace has the beauty and

ability to deliver even the most hurtful and painful

of truths with love and caring, desiring only to

build up the receiver in faith and truth, enabling

spiritual growth and never to judge and condemn.

(John 3:17 )

A truth by itself can knock you to the ground

leaving you helpless and not knowing which way

to turn, but when it is partnered with grace that

same truth may still knock you to the ground but it

also holds out a loving, helping hand, leading and

supporting you along the way. When God convicts

us of our sin, He does so with an abundance of

grace. By giving His son who gave His life on the

cross for us so that we may be saved and free from

sin for all eternity. This gift of salvation couldn't

be more gracious, it is the reason why we don't

need to feel condemned when we are convicted.

Such amazing grace ought to be received

gracefully with thanks and as we take it in, we

need to grow in it and build ourselves up in it,

praying to be abundantly filled with it so that we

may overflow in it and pass it on to others,

lovingly and joyfully just as He has passed it on to


As we become filled with His grace, we ready

ourselves for our apostleship, that is our position,

our place, our path that God has carved out for us

to follow and fulfil in our lifetime, our destiny if

you will.

Every Christian that decides to seriously follow

Christ, and strives to become totally obedient and

submissive to Him becomes an apostle, and every

apostle is led by Jesus through the Holy Spirit and

unto God, 'making disciples of nations’. This then,

is our apostleship; that we seek, listen, obey and

actually do the will of God by diligently following

the prompts of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus our

Lord every day until we are reunited by His return,

and full completion is attained by His holy work

through the body of Christ, that is, ALL Christian

brethren within the church of God.

Romans 5:19 AMP

For just as by one man's disobedience (failing to

hear, heedlessness, and carelessness) the many

were constituted sinners, so by one Man's

obedience the many will be constituted righteous

(made acceptable to God, brought into right

standing with Him).

By one mans disobedience - this refers to Adam.

Right back at the beginning when Adam fell from

grace, he lost his connection to God, and all that

came through and therefore after him were the

same as him. Generation after generation man was

born into sin, but when Jesus was born, because

He was conceived of by the Holy Spirit, God

'simply' made it be that Mary was pregnant, this

broke the line from Adam and the line went

straight to God Himself. After all, He made

everything in the whole universe! It's not at all

surprising or unlikely that just by His Will, Mary

became pregnant, it is however, very lovely and

amazing. So then, Jesus was the first born Son of

God. He had no sin from the beginning, therefore

He had full connection to the Father, and He also

had the love, grace and obedience to do exactly as

the Father commanded so that by His actions and

presence here on earth, man would be saved. By

accepting, believing in, and loving the Son, man is

brought back into line with God, consecrated and

made Holy, belonging to Him and earning

Sonship, this is the title of the sons and daughters

of God.

2 John 1:6 AMP

And what this love consists in is this: that we live

and walk in accordance with and guided by His

commandments (His orders, ordinances, precepts,

teaching). This is the commandment, as you have

heard from the beginning, that you continue to

walk in love [guided by it and following it].

So the most important thing we must do then is to

walk in Love. Because it is of utmost importance

we must make sure that we are really doing it

right. It is easy to say I walk in love, I love God

with all my heart, soul and mind, I love my

neighbour as myself, I put love before everything I

do.....But what does it really mean? How is this

love manifest in our lives? Our walk in love needs

to be more than just a declaration of how we feel.

We must and will show that we are walking in love

by our every action and deed. It all starts with a


We need to first understand what love really is.

Well, that one is simple. Love is God and God is

Love. But lets look a little deeper.

Love is patient so as to be understanding of other

people's short-comings.

Love is gracious so as to be giving without want of

something in return.

Love is merciful so as to be endlessly forgiving.

Love is kind so as to be a joyous and happy giver.

Love is compassionate so as to truly feel for all.

Love is steadfast so as to be always unfailing.

Love is slow to anger so as to give time for others

to learn.

Love is ready and willing to forgive without

holding any bitterness or resentment so as to be Holy.

Also love is never without Honour. In Honour

there is worship and allegiance. So if we love God,

we must also honour Him. We must have

allegiance to, and worship Him only. By

honouring Him we trust in what He tells us and we

act upon his commandments. To be obedient to

His will is an act of our worship and evidence of

our allegiance to Him.

So then, we see that Love has great weight and

substance. It is far more than just a feeling. It is a

way of life that will bring us closer to the

resemblance of our Lord right up to full fruition.

We all need to actually make the decision every

day that we are going to walk in love, obedient to

the will of our Lord. We cannot wait until we feel

like walking in love, because this way we are sure

to fail. There would inevitably come a point when

we simply wouldn't feel like it. We must meditate,

think over and over and purposefully decide to

walk in love, to put love first in everything we do,

remembering that God is love, and that love is the

greatest and most important commandment from

our Lord Jesus Christ.